Digital service for renewing expired medical prescriptions and requesting new prescriptions for selected prescription types.
Business potential
In 2017 Finnish medical industry shifted to a new digital era by starting to accept exclusively and only e-prescriptions. New legislation made prescription handling, storing, and renewal easier for doctors and pharmacies. In addition, it did create new business opportunities as patient’s prescription history was now available for medical professionals from single source.
Although public health care started to provide their own prescription renewal service through OmaKanta self-service portal, the renewal process through it was slow and cumbersome for end users. It had a complex user interface, combined with long lead times for renewal requests. The clients had to wait up to a week to get their prescriptions renewed.
Customer value
No service should be designed without clear focus on added customer value. Therefore a customer research was conducted to ensure the business generated proven value for the end user. The feedback of the research was clear: the need for prescriptions is often acute and sudden. For example the medicines are left home while traveling or the need for renewal is realized too late. Therefore the speed of the service seemed to be the most crucial aspect. While being fast, the service should also be cost effective and easy to use on mobile and on the go.
We found out through market analysis that there were other service providers to renew e-prescriptions online. However, those services were excessively expensive when fast, or took days to proceed renewals when cost efficient enough. The customer research and market analysis made it our focus to response customer needs with affordable, yet fast, digital service.
Besides renewals, Reseptori provides also new prescriptions for selected symptoms, such as, allergies, some infections, and erectile dysfunctions - all symptoms which could be securely diagnosed without meeting the patient in person. The service of new prescriptions provides value for those customers whom need their prescription easily, quickly, safely, or are concerned about their privacy due to sensitiveness of the subject (e.g. erectile dysfunctions).
lean startup
When the market analysis was done, the project begun with the concept creation work in close co-creation with the stakeholders. A design sprint was conducted to iterate, prototype, test, and polish initial ideas within few weeks. As a result, a digital concept was formed, and it was communicated to all stakeholders in a form of an interactive prototype.
The benefit of building a prototype, is to ease the testing of the service, validate ideas, and get deeper understanding of the required features. The business objectives could also still be clarified. Testing, learning, and iterating in early stages of the project with real customers saved time and money. Assumptions and hypothesis could be tested true - or sometimes discarded - before any lines of code were written. Besides concept work, the visual style and branding was done before the development phase took off.
The concept creation phase was ended with evaluating and defining the MVP (minimum viable product). When the MVP was defined, the developers could start their coding work with clear requirements and targets in their focus.
The prescription can be renewed easily with conversational type user interface. The style was tested by users and preferred over traditional form due to enhanced user experience and smoothness.
All in one -service
When the MVP was developed, thoroughly tested, and the client had approved it to be ready, it was time to make the application available for the public. The product was first soft launched to a smaller group of users to get feedback, and to find the last well hidden bugs. Soft launch was preferred to go public in controlled manner. When all worked well, it was time to let the crowd hit the service.
Although Industry62 could be considered mostly as an IT development consultancy, we see ourselves more as a holistic product development company, whom can guide startups and other companies through the whole path form business idea to market. Therefore our responsibility didn’t end in the launch, but Industry62 facilitated the launch phase and all of its marketing efforts together with the client.
The launch was accompanied with marketing strategy, focusing mainly in SEO, SEM and in social media marketing - the latter having main focus on Facebook and Instagram. The marketing efforts were supported with personas and customer journeys. The personas and customer journeys were used to understand customer behavior, and to select which channels and messages to use to best reach those customers. Continuous optimizations was done in all selected channels.
Continuous development
The idea of a MVP is to test new service and its business potential before more investments are done - and so it was with Reseptori. Managing a business reveals which hypothesis of the business model are to redeem their promises, and which are to be discarded. At the same time new ideas arise, markets change, and new possibilities emerge.
Very soon after launching the MVP new business potential was discovered, and the concept and development work got started to conquer those markets. The work with Reseptori is ongoing. So stay tuned - and get your prescriptions renewed easily:
30 sec
to create new
renewal request
avarage processign
time for requests
"Renewing the prescription was very easy and user friendly! The answer options clarified the process."
"The future of digital service design is in understanding people."
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